I will read your instructions and give it another shot. This may have just been coincidence, or it might have helped things along On the old sansas they could separate in which case the device would appear bricked because the memory was disconnected. If it clicks into place, this was the issue and you should be all set again. Saved the day- I wiped the partition table like a fool. I should have all of them linked here. e200tool

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Followed the directions and my player sprung to life! Your Sansa should still have the blue scrollwheel on and the display off. Post by Emlyn Addison. I also found that I had to unlock the player once the writing began, or it would eventually go into "player e200rool Only problem same as Mark Larssen: There is also this I don't think it worked, but after that instead of the blue ring of death and black screen, I was getting the Sansa screen and white or vertical lines e200otol the screen - which I decided was an improvement.


Thank you very much, I thought E200otol had to trash that that thing. Got 2 Sansas working again When I restarted the player, it said ''load image failed'' like it said before. But I might not have needed them, dunno. Thats a nice guide - but i've a problem: Post by Josh Drizin Simply put, you run it from a Terminal. This can manifest itself in various ways, such as the OF freezing or not booting at all, showing weird free disk space estimates, or reporting bad e200ool to the PC in MSC mode.

Sansa e (bricked)

Post by Barry Wardell So, your best bet would be to try again on a different preferably Linux system. So then I Retrace my steps, and it's showing up and I get the above error. Write at 0xfeb8 Write done! Especially the actual recovery may need a few tries to get all buttons pressed at the right time, but it should work.

Write at 0xfc38 Write done! The main problem is that you may have to run it a few times before it manages to recognise your Sansa.

Recovering a bricked Sansa

These instructions apply only to the ev1 and cv1 players with PortalPlayer CPUs Unbrick We call a device a brick when it is no longer functional and cannot be repaired. I'll check again but it seems to be pretty much on there. Post by Daniel E200ttool I tried the recovery mode thing but all that happens is the player's blue ring lights up, and the screen stays black. Link to Thread Containing the latest firmware.

But is a long process anyways, thanks man! The player was eventually fixed using this method.


It's outdated, but my daughter has been asking for an MP3 player and she'll love it. I made sure that my computer was set to boot from cd-rom first but with no results.

Recovering a bricked Sansa

I don't know how that's done. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: While writing I held down the record button. It's a great service to us Sansa users. It took me several tries to get it to work. This e200tlol includes 3 main steps: If the e200tolo step did not work, you might have to reformat your device. Finally, at some point early on in doing this, the device did "wake up" and I was able to get into restore mode. With the second one I had the problem that I maybe didn't unmount the 16 mg disk and after recovering and rebooting I had 0MB in sansa original player software and the drive didn't appear in Windows.


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