Log in to participate. How to determine why There are a lot of organisations out there that are still running AIX 5. So what do you do? Service and support contract: Discover Power Systems Enterprise Cloud. ibm aix 5.3 tl12

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Week 40 of Previous Entry Main Next Entry. You are also running an illegal copy of AIX.

ibm aix 5.3 tl12

Type in a Name: Entry list Are you entitled to the latest AIX 5. How to determine why Many clients have a subset of applications that are still dependent on a supported AIX 5.

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So means AIX 5. If you're still on AIX 5.

There are a lot of organisations out there that are still running AIX 5. Moreover, with fewer cores, the customers can save significantly in software license costs as well.

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Clicking the button causes a full page refresh. The resulting savings are often significant enough to justify investment in new hardware. We use cookies to optimize your visit to our website. This is a new offering and a very good news for customers that have AIX 5. In my view, migrate directly from AIX 5.

Notice there is no Key aixx the Service pack name. That doesn't stop you updating to the latest Technology Level TL Or you could install an AIX 7. You do have some other options other than migrating to AIX 7. X We use cookies to optimize your visit to our website.

Posted March 29, Permalink.

You don't need to jump to AIX 6. If you are staying on AIX 5.

ibm aix 5.3 tl12

Find the duplicate idea: However, an extended service contract was offered for 12 months on all supported hardware. Discover Power Systems Enterprise Cloud.

Provide a tp12 for quarantining this blog entry optional: You could purchase the extended support for your existing AIX 5.

AIX support lifecycle information

If you download and install this service pack, and you don't have Extended support for AIX 5. In short, the upgrade to AIX 7. Ibmm in to participate. Here's what the latest Service Pack for TL 12 looks like: The user could go to the "Entry list" region to view the new content. Time to migrate to 7. If you would like to change your cookie settings at any time please view our privacy policy for additional information.

As you must know, AIX 5.


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